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SploderHeads Mutiplayer Game is a mutiplayer game platform on Sploder. Unlike the other game creators, the game is built in HTML5 and Javascript. Also, you must be logged in so you can play the game. As of November, 09 2014 it is in Alpha testing stage. The creator of the Mutiplayer space is able to moderate it. It includes a chat menu.

Moderation Commands:

These commands are used in the game chat to moderate the game.

Command: Result:
Ends game session.
Toggle auto-join.
Toggle auto-start
/ban [name]
Bans a member from the game session.
/unban [name]
Unbans a member from the game.
/kick [name]
Kick a member out of the game.
/mute [name]
Mutes a member from chat.
/list [bans, mutes, commands]
Generates a list of bans, mutings, and commands.
/unmute [name]
Unmutes a member from chat.

Starts the game session.

Command help.
Skips the current turn.
/add [name]
Adds a member to game session.
/remove [name]
Removes a member from game session.

External Links
